Autism Surfs by Aaron Tanner

Are you headed to Panama City Beach or Pensacola on the coast of the Florida Panhandle this summer? Autism Surfs is a non-profit dedicated to exposing kids on the spectrum of the beauty of water sports. The organization was started by Julie Clark, who has a child with Autism and realized that water is a useful therapy for those who have the condition.

The event is held the third Saturday of every month through September in Panama City Beach and the first Saturday of every month at Navarre Beach, located just outside of Pensacola Beach.  Surfboards are there for the kids, and attendance is free. For those concerned about safety, the instructors are highly trained and do not hesitate to cancel or postpone sessions when surf conditions are too rough.

I enjoy water myself and can attest to its calming power when I am swimming. At first, it wasn't easy to learn how to swim, but I eventually got the hang of being in a body of water. Kudos to Autism Surfs to helping a popular tourist destination for many in north Alabama become more inclusive for those on the Autism spectrum.

For more information on Autism Surfs, click here for the Pensacola chapter and here for the Panama City Beach chapter.